Sunday, May 18, 2008

Some, any + -body / -one, + -thing, + -where

The compounds of some and any behave in the same way as some and any, that is to say, some-, in affirmative sentences and, any-, in negatives and questions, although we use some- in the interrogative to offer something, to ask for something or when we expect a positive response, as we saw in the previous unit. Examples:

I saw somebody there.

I did not see anybody there.

Did you see anybody there?

Would you like something better?

Instead of I did not see anybody there, we can say I saw nobody there, but we cannot use two negative words: *I did not see nobody there.

Anybody, nobody and somebody mean the same as anyone, no-one and nobody respectively. No-one can also be written no one.

Any can also mean "every" or "it does not matter which / who":

You can take any pencil.

Anybody can do it. It's very easy.

Let's see the following examples to end with:

Somebody told me you were abroad.

Nobody came to the meeting.

Was there anybody in the house?

I want something to eat.

I don't need anything.

I need nothing.

Would you like something to drink?

Is there anything in that drawer?

I want to go somewhere else.

I didn't go anywhere.

I went nowhere.

Have you seen my car keys anywhere?


Fill in the gaps with somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing, somewhere, anywhere or nowhere.

1. I know __________ about this issue that you may find interesting, but if I tell you, you must promise to keep it (a) secret.

2. __________ lives here. There is no water.

3. I spent the night __________ near the beach.

4. __________ could have jumped over this wall, and stole your rake. It's very low.

5. __________ scares him. He's very brave.

6. There is __________ to park here. Let's go __________ else to park.

7. Would you like __________ to wash your hands?.

8. May I have __________ for dessert, please?

9. They took him __________ in
London, and he never returned.

10. Please don't leave __________ behind at home. We'll be away for a fortnight.

11. She needs __________ to love. She's very lonely.

12. They will not sing __________ in this city. They said that they would never come back.

13. There isn't __________ you can do to help them. __________ can help them.

14. We do not need __________ else to run this department. We can do it ourselves.

15. __________ is ringing the bell. Go and see who it is.

16. __________ phoned while we were out, but they did not leave a message.

17. __________ tells me that there is __________ fishy going on .

18. They are looking for __________ to settle down and have children. They want to find a quiet place to lead a quiet life.

19. "Where would you like to stay?"

"__________ will do provided it is a clean place.
20. "Is there __________ at home?"

"I don't think there is __________. Mum and dad must have gone out."

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